CNC Keller GmbH En

Our Customers

Thousands of customers use KELLER software in almost 80 countries around the world. These companies are successfully using our plus systems ...

Because our users are making the following statements ...

Mr. Braun 

„Our trainees have thoroughly enjoyed working with the new qualifi cation concept. It has been confirmed that the criteria „Comprehensibility“ and „Maximum performance“ are very important factors in a software.“

Mr. Dyba 

„We have been looking for an efficient, user-friendly NC programming system and have found it in SYMplus. Handling of formerly boring NC subject matter has been completely reorganised. An ingeniously simple menu which is easy to understand by anyone guides you through previously complex and dreaded NC technology.“

Mr. Jagla 

"It is easily understood, easy to handle and quickly learned."

Mr. Pyka

"For me, it is extremely fascinating to machine complex workpieces with your software."

Mr. Happe

 „In addition to the various possibilities offered by this software for CNC qualification, particular emphasis must be placed on the compatibility with CAD systems in the area of graphic programming.“

Mr. Ebner 

"All CNC control systems used by us allow the processing of NC programs generated with CAMplus* (16 different control systems).“

* CAMplus is the programming system from KELLER and 
   corresponds to the "red pyramid level“ from SYMplus.